Biceps Tendon Getting Pinched?

✅ The Lat Attaches under the Biceps Tendon

✅ The Pec Major Runs over the Top of the Biceps Tendon

✅ As you spiral into Layback, both become taught

✅ If there is not proper length or tone in 1 or both of these, it can sandwich and squeeze the heck out of the Biceps Tendon when both are drawn taught

If you have tried all of the most common effective fixes for Biceps Tendinitis in the front of the shoulder (Fixing the Anterior Shear, Improving Rotator Cuff Control, leveling up the Subscap, etc) but it consistently returns, this is a deeper concept to look into

It is also important to note, other reasons (and probably more common) for recurring of the Biceps Tendinitis are

✅ Not Truly addressing the underlying factors of excessive anterior shear and poor GH control. Just waiting for it to calm down then doing the same thing is a recipe for return

✅ Doing a poor job of controlling workload spikes. In the most basic explanation, make sure the body/arm is trained to handle comparable stresses. Ex: If an athlete throws 70 Pitches to start a season, but has only thrown a max of a 40 Pitch bullpen, you’re in a tough spot. Same applies to the rehab setting: if you are getting ready to throw a Bullpen but haven’t Pulled Down or Long Tossed, likely in a tough spot

✅ Is your diagnosis Correct? Not every Anterior shoulder pain case is biceps tendinitis. We tend to bucket comparable cases (ones caused by anterior shear at layback) into this bucket because the fix is very similar. But if you are using this fix on the wrong diagnosis, you are going to beat your head into a wall


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