Pitchers: Hit These 3 Eccentric Exercises This Off-Season!

1) Banded 90/90 to Y Eccentrics

These will light up the Low Trap and Posterior Cuff Chain. Getting to the “Y” in this pattern will force feed the correct patterns by encouraging Retraction + Posterior Tilt then adding the Upward Rotation with the 90/90 To Y Press

2) Landmine Decel Patterns

This is a way to eccentrically train the Posterior Cuff and allow you the freedom to really add some load to the pattern. Keep in mind: The more your hand gets out in front of you on this exercise, the higher the resistance will be due to gravity becoming a bigger player. In contrast, there is minimal resistance at the starting position. Shout out to Ben @treadalthletics on this one, as that is where I first saw this set up! It’s Money!

3) Bicep Eccentrics

This position really Isolates the Biceps and Brachialis which are needed to control the high speed of elbow extension. If you want to add more pronation, switch to a standing position.


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