Scapular Posterior Tilt: The Foundation for Clean Layback

After talking with a ton of pitching coaches that we really respect over the years, we slowly transitioned to placing a TON of emphasis on the quality of layback as it is one positive indicator for increased velocity. It increases the runway for the arm to build up speed into ball release. However, this is also the most stressful position on the shoulder in the entire throwing motion. This is why it should make up a huge part of strengthening and optimizing every throwing arm.

When looking at the Layback of a baseball player, it is important take into account the 3 primary components it is comprised of:

1) Thoracic Spine Extension

2) Posterior Scapular Tilt

3) Glenohumeral (Shoulder) External Rotation

This Posterior Tilt dictates the starting position for the local Shoulder External Rotation which is why we describe it as the foundation of Layback.

Why is Matters

If you picture a scapula that is Anterior Tilted (Think forward tipped shoulder) vs a scapula that is posteriorly tilted, you can appreciate the fact that they will have far different “starting points” for the Local External Rotation. The Anterior tilted scapula has to use up a ton of its local External Rotation just to get to a vertical forearm. Whereas, the Posterior tilted Scapula is barely using up any local ER to get to that exact same position.

Now that we understand the 3 components of layback and how the interaction between scapular tilt and local ER works, how should the total range of motion be dispersed between the three?

In short, the shoulder is inherently a very mobile joint that lacks a high degree of stability. For this reason, we do not want to add any excessive motion to the already vulnerable position of Max Shoulder External rotation. This is how many shoulder issues such as impingements and biceps tendonitis rear their heads. Adding rotational motion at end range will also add shearing motions to some degree. At the same time, we know we want high amounts of Layback as there is a strong correlation to velocity. BOOM. The solution is to get as much of the layback ratio from the T Spine extension and the Posterior Scapular Tilt.

This allows us to get to get the optimal amount of layback without placing the local shoulder in a compromised position pitch after pitch.

This is also why general shoulder ER/IR Range of motion measurements can be taken with a grain of salt. They give us a good birds eye view on total arc, but lack specific details about where that motion is coming from which is why it is not a good idea to build programs built around these measurements.

How Do I Improve Posterior Scapular Tilt?

⚾️ Upper T Spine Extension: This brings the higher ribs more posterior in relation to the ribs at the bottom of the scapula which creates less of a forward slope or even a posterior slope as a foundation

⚾️ Thoracic Rotation to the Arm Side: this also brings the upper ribs more posterior in relation to ribs at the bottom of the Scap encouraging a posterior tilt

⚾️ Pec Minor/Major Length: Restrictions of either muscle can pull the scap into an anteriorly tipped and forward position

⚾️ Biceps Muscle Length: Both heads of the biceps attach to the scapula and can have the same Anterior tipping influence if they become restricted

⚾️ Elite Low Trap and Serratus Strength: Both muscle groups posteriorly tip the scapula. Elite strength in these muscles should be a key focus in any arm care program

Armored Heat Scapular and Shoulder Strengthening Program and App

We have taken our Arm Strengthening program to the next level transitioning from assessment based programming which led to some of the flaws mentioned earlier to forward thinking programming which is all created with the end goals in mind to chase optimal health and performance. The feedback has been incredible from players ranging from big league veterans to 12 year olds that are just flipping the switch to making development a priority. Everybody that starts this program reports it is challenging their “scaps” in a way they never have before and loves the progressions every 2 weeks to add variety and avoid plateaus. This Program is a GAME CHANGER for all ball players!

CLICK the GET ARMORED HEAT tab at the top of the screen for more information!


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